Thursday, September 13, 2007

Really Cool Restaurant Marketing

Conducting a Marketing Physical To Ensure Brand Health

From: BrandAutopsy, 3 days ago

Conducting a Marketing Physical To Ensure Brand Health

In-HOWse Designer Conference
Austin, TX - Sept. 10, 2007

It's time to give your business a marketing physical. This may sound strange, but it's just like going to your own doctor and getting a physical for yourself. The doc takes your vital signs, asks probing questions, and conducts a few key exams. You learn what may be affecting your health, and then you adjust your day-to-day life based on the results in an effort to ward off serious illnesses. Why not do the same for your brand or business? John shows you how to conduct your marketing physical to diagnose and treat common marketing ailments like anemic sales, poor brand complexion and marketing obesity.

John Moore, marketing medic
BRAND AUTOPSY Marketing Practice

Link: SlideShare Link

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Best Marketing Plan Ever!

  1. Realize that your guests have expectations.
  2. Do everything you can to exceed your guest's expectations - every table, every guest, every day.
  3. Do it better tomorrow than you did it today.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Best Marketing Help - Guaranteed!

Do you need marketing help?

Go here to learn about the best opportunity for you to increase sales and profits – guaranteed!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Join My New “Marketing Coach” Program

Join now and get 50% off a Restaurant Coaching Solutions “Basic Coaching” package!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Who Wears the Marketing Hat In Your Business?

When small business owners finally face the fact that they are really in the marketing business, they struggle with the idea that they actually must spend time and resources feeding the marketing machine.

Here's my belief - Most small businesses would benefit greatly from having some person in the organization that focused primarily on marketing. I know that doesn't sound like a terribly radical notion, it just doesn't exist in most small businesses.

In the typical small business the owner is the chief marketing officer, when they are not being the chief shipping clerk, IT manager, purchasing agent and HR babysitter. Get some marketing help - hire a marketing coach, create a marketing strategy and delegate your marketing implementation to a full or part time staff member - even if that staff member is you!. (Don't know where to find a marketing coach - here's a suggestion)

Inc Magazine ran an article this week that included some data from a recent survey of sole proprietors that supports my thoughts here.

Sole Proprietors Struggle to Generate New Business: Leslie Taylor - Wearing too many hats prevents solo business owners from expanding, according to a new study. More than a third of sole proprietors say their greatest challenge is finding the time and resources to generate new business, according to a new survey.


Friday, August 11, 2006

The secret is out! Or is it?

Top QSRs, such as Taco Bell, McDonald's and White Castle, are driving consumers to Web sites to share personal stories. This tactic is building customer loyalty, experts say. McDonald's just announced winners for its "Global Casting Call."

Read full story here!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More Promotions That Work!

Hair of the Dog Days
Helix Lounge ( has made a good name for itself and has drawn a good crowd and is raising money for the Washington Humane Society as part of the D.C. area bar's Dog Days of Summer Happy Hour, where some 25 dogs and their owners were treated to more than a walk in the park.

Every Wednesday through September, Helix Lounge is hosting the promotion, with a dollar from each of three specialty drinks — including the Pet Peeve Martini and Tail Ale — going to the Humane Society. Lounge Manager Maren Grossman developed the idea and through cooperation with local pet supply companies, canines are treated to an array of complimentary doggie treats, beds and bowlfuls of spring water.

Find out more details about how Helix made the promotion successful in the September issue of Nightclub & Bar magazine.

Scary Story Open-Mic Night
It's not too early to start planning for Halloween.

For this promotion, turn off all the lights for readings and have your DJ spin creepy sounds. Have an employee run through the bar unexpectedly with a fake chainsaw. To get started, visit

Go to the link below and read what Bill McCloskey writes about email marketing today on his blog. Sign up to get his blog too while you are at it!