But sales expert Brian Tracy puts in a good word of two for all smart sales pros on the virtues of being good team players for the company they work for, and with the people they work with:
If you want to achieve anything of consequence in business, you need the help and cooperation of lots of people. Your main objective should be to structure everything you do in such a way that, because you are constantly cooperating and working well with others, they are continually open to helping you achieve your goals as well.
Remember, in all your interactions with your team, to be supportive and helpful. The best team players I have ever seen are those whose comments to the other members of the team are in the form of suggestions on how things can be done better. The best team members are always offering to help other people after the meeting to get on top of some aspect of their work. This focus on collaboration and cooperation is seen by everybody and marks you as a person to be both liked and respected.Many men and women have kicked their careers into the stratosphere by taking on a small responsibility and doing such a good job with it that they came to the attention of important people both inside and outside their organizations.
Continually look for opportunities to make valuable contributions to your company. Volunteer for additional assignments. Focus on high-priority tasks, and finish what you start on time. Do excellent work. And remember that, as Confucius said, "He who would be master must be servant of all."
Great words of advice. Maybe you already do that and have seen the benefits in your sales career. If you haven't tried it, do so...I think you'll see positive results.
Source: http://www.landingthedeal.com/2006/07/being_a_good_team_player.html