A blog called the Austinist mentions that a local music retailer, Waterloo Records, is accepting gift cards from competitors, including the national chains. This is the second year they’ve done this, so they must believe it’s a good idea. The poster doesn’t know how they manage to recoup their loss, but a commenter believes Waterloo may be using some of the many Web sites set up for gift card exchanges. If you think this might be something in which you are interested, contact Waterloo's management. This is just the kind of "edgy" idea that might help you inch in front of your competition next Christmas. Perhaps a news release touting this could be sent to the business section of your local newspaper resulting in additional publicity. I also think a unique idea like this would garner a lot of word of mouth marketing for you as well.
Still think it's risky? Imagine a loyal customer of yours who receives a competitor's gift card from a relative. What if that customer has a better customer service experience when he or she shops at your competitor? The risk is in losing the customer. Of course this would take careful research and I would certainly contact Waterloo to discuss this before proceeding.